I grew up with the most amazing mother in the world. Now many of you are probably thinking that your mom was pretty great and we all feel like our own mother's are the best but mine really is the most amazing!! If there was a contest for the most awesome mom in the world mine would win hands down. I'll list just a few reason's why...
1. She survived raising 4 children on her own after a tragic car accident sent her husband and son to heaven.
2. My baby brother, who is probably mad I just called him baby, had a cyst on his brain about the size of my fist. He was diagnosed at the age 9 or 10 and had 15 surgeries over the course of 9 years on his brain. The closest doctor qualified to treat him was in Salt Lake City, we lived in Las Vegas.
3. She was always there. If we had a play, concert, ball game, whatever. She was there.
4. She worked full time and still managed to do all the mom stuff. Grocery shopping, homework, laundry on and on. And she managed all the Dad stuff too.
5. She answered any and all questions we asked her with complete honesty. Even the inappropriate ones asked in very public places. (Pea can explain that one)
6. If we needed to talk about anything we just had to go sit on her bed and wait for her there. It didn't matter what time it was or what we wanted to talk about her bed was as good as any shrinks couch. I shared a room with her for a while and on many occations was shooed out when a sibling need her.
7. She had a testimony of the gospel and shared it with us regularly.
8. Friends were always welcome. We even had a few strays stay with us. If a friend had a fight with their parents and needed cooling off she would phone the parents and tell them their child was safe and welcome to stay until morning.
9. She had wore out scriptures. And has since bought new ones. The worn ones are in my sons room. I catch him reading them on almost a daily basis.
10. She helps me remember my Dad and older brother who are now my special angels. At only five years old when they died I have very few memories of them but she helps to keep them fresh and shares new stories with me whenever she thinks I need one.
I am happy! For real HAPPY! Life isn't always peaches and cream but because of her example I push through the hard days and bask in the glory of the great days. This weekend has been great. The kids are getting along, the house got clean, we have great friends and family. This week end is always hard for me. It surprises me every year how hard it is still. It will be 24 years since we got that terrible knock at the door telling us that there had been an accident. My heart still feels heavy thinking about that day. How weird it was to have everyone around the house crying. Strangers coming and going. Feeling very small and somewhat lost without Michael their to help me understand what was happening. But that day also changed my relationship with my mom. We were a team now. All we had was each other. That was the gift that the Lord left the day he called Dad and Michael home. So I guess all I want to really say is thank you Mom for teaching me all I need to know to be half the mom you are. Be grateful for you blessings and count them everyday. Even if it is just a bowl of ice cream after you put the kids to bed.