Sunday, January 4, 2009

My big boy

After seven years of being a mother I am still amazed at the things my kid says and does. Getting him here was fairly easy. No problems getting pregnant, pretty easy pregnancy except for a couple of things which were easily taken care of thanks to modern medicine. It's all the stuff that comes after that is hard. The sleepless nights, barfing all over me every time he ate, and did I mention sleepless nights. The kid never slept. The screaming for hours because he had colic. You mothers know, all the baby stuff, the taking care of them stuff. But then there are the really great things that make all the other stuff not really matter. Sleeping on your chest and the hugs and kisses. The high fives, and thumbs ups. The why's and the what's that we get to answer that are sometimes so funny. And then we have to make decisions for them. Do I send him to kindergarden this year because he barely makes the cut off to start or do I keep him home one more year. Will he ever learn to read?! Does he have a cold or an infection? Sleep it off or see a doctor? Let him ride his bike without training wheels and watch him fall or let him go? These are the hard things. But then we get to watch them learn. This was all leading up to his answer to my every Sunday question "what did you learn at church today?" He grabbed his scriptures and said "I learned about when Joseph Smith prayed about which church is true. It's right here in James chapter one verse 5 and 6. Then he read the scripture out loud to me and finished with. He got really scared when he was praying and Satan made it all dark around him. But he just kept on prayin' and then Jesus and Heavenly Father told him that none of the churches were true. Then we were done and we got the giggles because one of the boys burped." So it is true that through all of the crazy stuff they do and all the worry they may cause the important stuff get through. 


The Pea said...

And then the boy burped!!! He is so funny! And you are such a great mom!! I love you!

Cristen said...

I love that kid. I love proud mom moments. I think all the moms need to get together and write a book full of them. I ditto Pea, he is a great kid becuase of his mother. Love ya

S'mee said...

This is why I LOVE Primary! The kids there are open and willing to learn. It's great! Now if he ever asks about a testimony you can tell him that he already knows one profound truth that still eludes many grown ups: Light and Dark can never coexist! Wherever Heavenly Father and or Jesus are Satan must depart, so if he ever feels like he needs Their help all he needs to do is pray..Satan must flee. Those are the rules!

I'm all happy inside now. Thanks!

Nicole said...

Nothing like the feeling you get when you realize that your kids actually do listen. Gracie once told the story of Ammon cutting off the arms of the Lamanites...but it was something like cutting off the camels legs. I was just glad she got that much!