Have you ever seen a couple that looked sosatisfied in your life? This weekend was the
Don and Ora Latimer Family Reunion in St. George, Utah. These are my grandparent, my mom's parents, and they have ten children, 56 grandchildren, 97 great-grandchildren with three more on the way. Yes that's right soon they will have 100 great-granchildren. Of these we had 157 (i think) in attendance. And what a wonderful weekend it was. On Friday we met a church building where the kids, played, danced, sang, we had face painting, and they even made bead necklaces and bracelets. We split for dinner and met back up at the church for Family Home Evening. We talked about being the clay in the potter's hand and they handed out clay to everyone to mold. We molded everything from tree's to temples, and various types of animals. A couple of people got hard clay and couldn't really mold anything. The object lesson went on that if we have hard hearts we aren't as easy for our Savior to mold. My Aunt asked if we thought our grandparents had hard or soft hearts and hands then ask everyone if they had any memories we wanted to share about Grandma and Grandpa about how they have shared their soft hands and hearts with us. Madisen raised her hand and when called on she "Grandma always play tea party with me when I come to her house." Grandma got teary eyed and I got teary eyed...ok we were already teary eyed. We are Latimer's what do you expect. Several stories were shared but because I cry too much I was hoping that one of my siblings would stand and say what I knew all of us were thinking which is they took care of us after my Dad and brother died. We lived with them for a while, when we were sick we got to go to Grandma's house where she took care of us. When we lived in the house directly behind them Grandpa made a fence that went over the wall so that we could just go over the fence instead of walking around. The back door opened up into their bedroom and I am sure I never called before going over and they always welcomed us with open arms. Usually fed us too! Grandpa gave us blessings when we needed them. He came to the school several times to change a flat tire on my car. They took care if us but most important they took care of my mom. After Dad died Grandma slept with her for a month. I will never forget that. She didn't leave her side until she was ready to try to be on her own. I love them and they are the best grandparents in the universe and they are mine!!!
Oh Janessa they sound wonderful. I know when I visit your blog I am either going to see some of your WORLD travels or end up crying! Completly off subject, you need to come and sub in my bunco group some time.
That was so sweet Ness! What a wonderful family you belong to!! :D
And..if you didn't get my text on Saturday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It's your first anniversary of turning 29. :P
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